terça-feira, junho 19, 2007

Fim de semanda Wii2

Eu sei que o pedro é gordinho, mas contar-lo como dois meninos, isso já deve ser demais. Mas se te consola, tenho um ombro numa lastima, quase nem o mexo. Mas pelo lado positivo vem ai alguem para cuidar de mim. Chama-se Joaquim é camionista e tem barba rija. :P, ja para evitar as boquinhas dum miudo que nao tem 5 anos a menos nem uma vesicula a mais, mas que de vezz em quando até parece.

PS: Falta 2 enrabadelas ao pedro, e gozar ainda mais com o valente da obra. FIca para o proximo fim-de-semana ca em Vigo, ja marcado para dia 15 de julho. A contar com os presentes, so se aceitam incriçoes femininas na participaçao do evento e têm que aceitar cartão. :D

segunda-feira, junho 18, 2007

Fim de semana Wii

Fim-de-semana Wii, à la Rocky Balboa, com música do Noddy de fundo a ver as estrellas, a perder o relógio, a entortar os óculos, a dar tareias virtuais nos dois meninos, a quase morrer com uma paragem de digestão a seguir ao almoço, e o regresso a casa às 4h30 de segunda-feira.
Que pena não ter menos 5 anos e mais uma vesícula!

quarta-feira, fevereiro 28, 2007

é so rir

Circular Interna (verídica) de uma multinacional americana em Portugal
(no Porto), contra a linguagem dos trabalhadores do Norte.

"It has been brought to our attention by several officials visiting
our corporate Headquarters that offensive language is commonly used by
our Portuguese-speaking staff. Such behavior, in addition to violating
Policy, is highly unprofessional and offensive to both visitors and
colleagues. In order to avoid such situations please note that all
Staff is kindly requested to IMMEDIATELY adhere to the following

1) Words like merda, caralho, foda-se, porra or puta-que-o-pariu and
other such expressions will not be used for emphasis, no matter how
heated the discussion.

2) You will not say cagada when someone makes a mistake, or
ganda-merda if you see somebody either being reprimanded or
making a
mistake, or que-grande-cagada when a major mistake has been made. All
forms derivate from the verb cagar are inappropriate in our

3) No project manager, section head, or executive, under no
circumstances, will be referred to as filho-da-puta, cabrão,
ó-grande-come-merda, or vaca-gorda-da-puta-que-a-pariu.

4) Lack of determination will not be referred to as falta-de-colhões
or coisa-de-maricas and neither will persons who lack initiative as
picha-mole, corno, or mariconso.

5) Unusual or creative ideas from your superiors are not to be
referred to as punheta-mental.

6) Do not say esse-cabrão-enche-a-porra-do-juízo if a person is
persistent. When a task is heavy to achieve remember that you must not
say é uma-foda. In a similar way, do not use esse-gajo-está-fodido if
colleague is going through a
difficult situation. Furthermore, you
must not say que-putedo when matters become complicated.

7) When asking someone to leave you alone, you must not say
vai-à-merda. Do not ever substitute "May I help you" with
que-porra-é-que-tu-queres?? When things get tough, an acceptable
statement such as "we are going through a difficult time" should be
used, rather than isto-está-tudo-fodido.

8) No salary increase shall ever be referred to as aumento-dum-cabrão.

9) Last but not least after reading this memo please do not say
mete-o-no-cu. Just keep it clean and dispose of it properly. We hope
you will keep these directions in mind.

Thank you.

sábado, fevereiro 24, 2007

Oi, espero que ja estejas na fase de recuperação. mas já que andavas por casa, podias ter passado pelo messenger, que ate curtia falar contigo. dia 5 de março entrego a minha tese e devo ir logo de seguida a portugal durante uma semana. por isso guarda ai um dia para falarmos, mas se fosse antes tambem nao fazia mal. apenas algumas decisoes a tomar e gostava de ouvir a tua opiniao. se for ai devo ir a espanha a Vigo, por isso se stiveres apto para uma road trip era fixe tirares 2 dias de ferias ;) em memorias de velhos tempos. mas ainda mais a grande.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2007

É só pedir

terça-feira, janeiro 30, 2007

Noite de poker

é o que da receber 5 empregados do Hard Rock em copenhaga na minha casa para uma noite de poker, depois de 40 cervejas e 10 macos de tabaco a noite chegou ao fim com os jogadores pro todos bebados e com bolsos vazios. Tive de emprestar dinheiro para eles continuarem a jogar para no final receber uns meros 160euros. Os quais ja têm destino, pagar uma das contas telefonicas e pagar um jantar a menina. É claro se um dos meus amigos rotos (miguel) me viesse visitar, podia-os guardar para noites de copos, mas enfim.... para a semana ha mais. agora todas as segundas ha noite de poker, a ver se continuo com a cagota de sempre, que ontem esteve particularmente grande o que a acompanhar com a minha evoluida tecnica de poker foi infalivel ;) grande abraco, ve se és uma beca mais activo

quinta-feira, janeiro 11, 2007

Mais Sobre Revolver

De seguida vai uma explicacao sobre o filme revolver de um critico de cinema de uma revista para o qual eu escrevi. Eu concordo com quase tudo que ele disse, embora algumas conclusoes que ele tira nao sao nada faceis de la chegar. Antes de leres este post aconselho que vejas o filmes pelo menos 2 ou 3 vezes. pus so aqui para quando vires o filme e pensares sobre o assunto possas ter algo para poderes comparar.

Atencao!! ve o filme antes de continuares a ler!!!!! se nao perde uma beca de piada.

he first thing you have to get your head around is the chess theme. As Ritchie is a big chess enthusiast, his concepts are largely based on the game. If you think of the film as an adaptation instead of a story, you begin to see the sense of it all. The rules of chess are simple, two players (unseen forces to the pieces on the board) control the movements and actions of characters [Rook, Knight, Bishop, King, etc] on two opposing sides. The two teams are defined by their colours; white/black. Certain pieces are limited as to the directions they can move and how far they may go. The object of the game is to kill the king - the most powerful (and somewhat limited) player on the board - once the king is destroyed, the game is over and won. The only problem is that those on the board never see the person controlling them (the player) and as such don't know who they are really working for. The fictional Vegas-esque city is the chess board, whereupon the game is set and played.

The best way to deal with Zach & Avi is to imagine them as the player's (the man playing chess) subconscious, reminding him of his role on the board; they are not pieces as such, even though they may take that form on occasion - with regards to the plot of the film, they are indeed real people, not mere figments of Green's imagination. Confused yet? Good. At the beginning of the film we try to establish who is who; Macha is clearly under the impression that he is king, he is in fact a pawn of Mr. Gold - Gold controls everything, ie. he is the player (off the board). Sorter is probably comparable to the knight, as he is the one who takes odd, alternate routes to his goals but achieves everything with a high success rate. French Paul, on the other hand, is Macha's right hand man, using a very direct approach - similar to the bishop. When Sorter and Paul are eventually killed they are simply removed from the board - as a chess piece is - we don't see a body, they are just out of the game. Another character that is very clearly related to chess is Miss. Walker, constantly surrounded by females and only seen once or twice to deliver information to the opponent - the most movement on the board and (seemingly) the most control - she is blatantly Gold's queen; not wife... nobody should read into it like that.

When Jake is in Macha's room, apologising, he is removing his false persona - this is shown by the internal struggle, the constant bickering with himself, "You've got a gun! Use it!" To put it bluntly, Jake Green starts out thinking he is a mere pawn, that he is being controlled by outside forces. Later Avi & Zach help him to realise that he is in fact the king and this false persona doesn't control him. Just to make it a little easier: Jake Green and Mr. Gold are the same person - Green is Gold. Once Jake set out to avenge himself he began to use the three Irishmen (his pawns) who, in turn, were tortured and killed - NOTE the line that Jake says about feeding pieces to the opposition. Green has an alternate identity, that no one sees. In certain people's eyes he is Jake Green; fast-talking conman, to other he is Mr 'I run this game' Gold; the angry, merciless, paranoid criminal mastermind. The scene in the lift (the confrontation with the Gold persona) shows Green's epiphany - the moment his role in the game dawns on him - symbolised as the lights come back on and the camera pans back to reveal a crown above Green's head. Green isn't the pawn he thought he was, he is the king. This allows him to let go of Gold (the hard exterior) because he doesn't need him anymore, he controls everything; signified by the dropping of the gun.

At the end of the film, Macha has Green's niece hostage and is awaiting Gold. Green suddenly appears (thanks to Avi & Zach) and it finally hits Macha that he is not the king he presumed himself to be, he is in control of nothing. With Lord Jon dead there is only one threat left on the board - Macha. In chess, when the king has nowhere to go, no options left and he realises he has lost, the piece is laid down, this is called checkmate. This is also why Macha kills himself, the game is over, all that remains is for the king to submit to the victor.

I could prattle on about sub-plots and sub-devices; Avi & Zach, A-Z, truth beginning to end; the 3 minutes of black-screened silence, signalling the end of the game, time to reflect on the moves made; etc etc, but by all means find your own meaning and reasons for them because there are few hints within - worth watching out for - and unfortunately far too much to keep up with, especially with such an intricate, detailed and interweaving story as this. I hope this has helped a little, Luis, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail me again and I shall do my best to help you further. I also hope that my site meets with your approval; stay loyal and spread the word. - Matt Stogdon (rRh)

quarta-feira, janeiro 10, 2007

Esta foi merecida

Para recordar outros tempos carrega aqui!

segunda-feira, janeiro 08, 2007

Festarola de anos

Como era de prever, sabaddo festejei os meus anos com o pessoal nordico. E como ja era mais que prever a noite descambou desde o inicio. Com dinamarquesas a dancar no sofa e a acabar com 7 dinamarquesas a levarem com o cinto nas nalgas com as calcinhas para baixo. Mais pormenores serao transmitidos atraves do messenger ou mail. Mas que granda festa. Sinceramente nao sei como me aguentei sem virar o barco. O dia seguinte foi das piores ressacas de sempre, confirmando o peso da idade. Mas o que valeu é que tive direito a tratamento medico nao especializado o dia todo. E quanto a bandeira, para bom entendedor, meia palavra basta. Depois meto aqui umas fotos dos meus anos, as que nao serao censuradas.

quinta-feira, dezembro 14, 2006

Festarola no Heidis

A VISITA ate agora em termos de festa foi o goncalo, 7 noites de loucura. E ainda mais importante deixou-me com o espirito certo. A ver se vens ca para liderares como sempre o fizeste. Estas noites deixaram historias so para rir, quem diria que da para sair em copenhaga ate as 10 da manha, algo que ate a pouco tambem me parecia bastante dificil.
Agora falando mais seriamente vou voltar dia 17, a ver se guardas ai um tempo a noite para um cafezinho para por tudo em dia, e o mais cedo depressa, nunca se sabe o que pode acontecer entretanto...... mesmo a distancia, consigo arranjar cowboyada da grande. e quando te contar a historia vais achar piada e chamar-me maluco. Entretanto por ca ha mais uma historias, hoje, sexta e sabado, vao ser 3 dias criticos, espero que ao fim deste fim de semana, possa por aqui uma bandeira, ou pelo menos a perspectiva de uma bandeira e talvez companhia nordica para o ano novo. Vamos ver, o brad pitt esta de volta :D

Abracao e segunda ou terca a ver se janto em tua casa, porque devo ter de ir para o tagus park trabalhar na minha tese durante o dia.